“Canopy of Light”…Poetry in motion

“Under a canopy of light 

There is no envy between trees 

Just an acceptance of days 

And whatever it brings 

Trusting the wind

And marks are left in the dark

On the pavement 

It is patience 

that brings 

the remembering 

No back alley liberty 

but its always there 

you see 

Our mother’s constant calling

In colors and in the faces found 

among everything 

But no one can tell you where the road leads

leaves fall as they may 

Learn from the trees

Quivering yet everlasting 

Green pastures 

will come again

In the end….” ~SEeR 


Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco


12/18 - Full Moon 🌕 in Gemini Tarot Guidance -


December Energies & 12/4 New Moon Total Solar Eclipse