I don’t want to “sell” anything…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Spirituality is not a product that you can package and sell. In the past, I have followed many others doing this and perhaps I have been guilty of it myself when trying to find a way to align to my purpose. I’ve sought out the healing trends, bought the self help books and went to every kind of healer I could fine. I was a victim of over consuming spirituality and then I kind got convinced that I wanted to sell the same cool-aid. I thought I’ll take the next training to be some sort of “life-coach”, or “shaman” or “bruja.” And others who choose to do it that is your great but I have come to realize that it’s not the way I want to proceed.

It’s all well intentioned, of course, but I guess I got tired of lying to myself, that somehow just because I got trained in reiki or read endless amounts of books that somehow that meant I can heal others and know how to guide them out of pain but it’s not that straight forward. Point is, I don’t want to sell myself or sell something that is not meant to be a commodity. I feel everyone comes to know their spirit in different ways, at distinct times and it’s a very personal journey. 

All I can do is share my experience, share from an honest place and share about the tools that have helped me. So in a way I can just be a guide but not even that. I don’t want to attempt to conivience people what is right/true to think, do, feel. I guess in a way when I write I am doing it as much for myself as well. Writing to myself as if giving the younger versions of me the guidance they didn’t have growing up. I need to hear it. I can share with you my way but I am not telling anyone to take my same path or pretending to know what your way is but I want to hold the space for that initial exploration. Whether it be sparking some inspiration or insight through my artwork and writing or through the creative healing tools I can provide for others. 

Nowadays, every bodies selling you something. Selling a better way, the ultimate truth. How to heal, how to be rich and successful, how to gain more “followers”,  how to lose weight…on and on. Just scroll down social media. Fuck I don’t want to be that person. I do want to sustain myself doing what I love but with some integrity and self respect. This reminds me of a scene from the 80’s classic movie “Say Anything” with John Cusack. He’s at his gf’s home having dinner with her family and when asked what he wants to do with his life, he answers: 

“I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.”

I remember feeling a very strong resonance of “Fuck yes! Right on!” I don’t want to do that as a career either and I was 14 years old. And now decades later I still don’t want to even with the domiance of social media and technology which tends to feed our capitalist, individualistic and hustling mentality. I don’t buy into that shit. Sometimes I have to remind myself that obtaining success and popularity is an illusion and that I have the power to redefine what success is. 


Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco


Random Love Note # 8


4.30.22 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus