5.23.24 Full Moon in Sagittarius
It’s been some time since I have posted here. Hopefully this new energy coming in will inspire me to write more! ENJOY!
Mountain + After Completion =
Clarity is available to us now or will be soon around any pending situation or decision(s) that we have been contemplating or wrestling with. Mountain I feel represents a cycle coming to a close. This journey up and over this mountain that has not been easy. And it also refers to finding that clarity by looking at things from a higher vantage point and it shifting your perspective because now you see aspects that were hidden. You can see the bigger picture now. Know that as this leg of the trip comes to an end, a new one will slowly begin but exhale and take time to pause, rest and give thanks for the lessons learned on this journey. It is also a time to fine tune one’s plans for moving forward with more ease yet power!
Magnetism + Passion + Gathering Together =
These are fiery passionate times! This points to the law of attraction & manifesting intentions. From an energetic view, like attracts like. Just as the earth produces an electric magnetic field, we do as well. Notice what or who you are attracting. Is this your intention? Become aware and responsible for your energetic field. Know your values and needs so you are more aware of what your true attractions are. Revolution is on the horizon and there is power in gathering together but also be weary of blindly following the herd. Stay informed and aligned to your core moral principles. Ask yourself: what is the spark that lights you up? Consider your motivations. Level up to your purpose so when you do gather with others it’s in divine alignment. This is an auspicious juncture, pointing to a guided unifying force of a shared vision.To help us advance towards a common goal for the highest aged of all concerned, on a collective level!