9.14.23 New Moon in Virgo Tarot Guidance
It has been some time since I posted here. I have a busy schedule with work and school but will try to be more consistent especially with the moon tarot readings. Enjoy!
Decks: Osho Zen Tarot & The Light’s Seer Tarot
Ice-olation (3 of Swords) + 10 of Wands = There is a burden, a heavy mental load we are carrying. Perhaps we weren't aware of it and recent cycles have been slowly revealing this to us. If you look at the figure on the card they are shedding tears and gradually dissolving the fortress of ice they are enclosed in. We are urged to acknowledge our emotions, feel them and in that releasing process we are liberated to shine our natural light. 10 of Wands might suggest that we have taken on too much on our own and we are allowed to ask for support. Delegate tasks and find balance between work and self care. But be reassured that an old cycle has been completed and maybe the shedding is also grieving of some sort. Grieving an old life, an old self, and arriving at a new bitter sweet realization that we are not the same person we were at the beginning of this journey and with that awareness comes responsibility but again don't be quick to take everything on all at once. Try to practice being flexible and not operating from such a rigid attitude and find balance , find time to rest and restore your energy.
Consciousness (Ace of Swords) + King of Cups = And here is the balance. I paired these two cards because as you see they are mirroring the same pose and energy. Both in a meditative state, eyes closed, emitting light. Both cards speak of mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. We have the sword which is mental energy, our minds both our conscious and unconscious, then we have the cup card which refers to our emotional energy and so we are learning to work with both. And get rooted within ourselves. Our hearts hold deep wisdom, and take time to listen. Then proceed by connecting and leading from that center. The figure is also reaching for his singing bowl, so perhaps it is encouraging us to reach for the resources we have, the practices, tools, relationships we already have but might not be utilizing. And remember life will always throw us curve balls but I believe to serve us and our growth. Stay grounded, trust the process and keep the faith. There might be some strong emotions that come up for you or around you from interactions but show yourself and others compassion. We are fighting our own battles.
Possibilities (Two of Wands) = Great card to end with...The Two of Wands is also about discovery, particularly as you step outside your comfort zone and explore new worlds and experiences. It may take courage to set out, but this card gives you the confidence of self-knowledge. You know what your goal is and are sure of its eventual fulfilment. Let your intuition and passion guide you as you confirm your next steps. Two of Fire Osho Zen shows that you are at a point where a world of possibilities is open to you. because you have grown more loving towards yourself. Enjoy the flight! And celebrate all the varied wonders of the landscape spread before you.
“May all beings everywhere be happy. May they be healthy. May they be at peace. May they be free.”