9.02.24 New Moon in Virgo


“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” - Rumi

                  Deck: "The Wild Unknown Archetypes" By: Kim Krans 

The Destroyer / Eternal Child -

These are the two archetypes that I pulled for the collective guidance for this new moon cycle which is the phase of  new beginnings, and the potential for growth and transformation. In ancient times, people harnessed the energy of the moon through rituals, recognizing its power to manifest intentions. The Destroyer though makes it look like a scary card is representing the unexpected which resembles The Tower card in the Rider Waite deck. It might symbolise a form of an ending. It can be a job, relationship, maybe even the dissolving of old limiting patterns, habits that have been impeding your growth. It could also be a signifier for moving homes with the Village card. Point is that there is an unforeseen ending of some sort which will make space for a new fresh start. Although it could be disappointing or painful initially it helps move stagnant energy in our lives, in areas we have become complacent. Sometimes this is what is needed - a swift unanticipated redirection! Later you will realize that it was a blessing in disguise, helping to integrate the spirit of our inner eternal child. It connects us to the timeless, the infinite aspects of life. There is a part of us that wants to be freed now, that wants to believe in magic again and find joy in play. This archetype reminds us of what is possible so hold on to hope even if things are quickly changing all around you. 

The Village -

Has to do with family, and possibly the place you call home whether that be your hometown or your chosen home/family. Perhaps there is shadow work that is linked to this tower moment, maybe this unexpected disruption has to do with confronting intergenerational trauma, or your own shadow work. Challenges help shine light on areas in our lives we need to heal that have remained unconsciously. Or maybe it helps us shift any imbalance power dynamics within a relationship, our family system or community. It could be about reestablishing or reevaluating boundaries. It could also mean again a move. Leaving your hometown or the place you have called home for some time which could carry some grief but trust the timing of your unfoldment and give thanks to all the people, places and things that have provided you with what you needed up until this threshold. It has served its sacred purpose. 

The Tear -

Tears are instrumental in helping us release what no longer serves us. It helps us gently let go and surrender to something greater. As mentioned before, assisting in moving any stuck energy within us, moving the emotions out to make room for understanding and clarity. "Often the tear is what is needed in order for a situation to break into the next level of intimate and vulnerable discovery." Softening our egos, opening us to unforeseen miracles or answers we couldn't yet see. Then we can flow and align with life. Don't hesitate to ask for support if you need to be held in a safe container to process any emotions that might come up. Release any pent up emotions and take care of yourself. Water is a healing element to work with. Go swimming, take a salt bath, pray to the water and ask it to wash away any sorrows. 

Apocolypsis -

The veil of deception is being removed. This connects seamlessly with the rest of the reading. Definitely with the Destroyer card. Whether that be that we have been denying or lying to ourselves or in any context mentioned here, the time has come to acknowledge the truth. "Truths that have been kept in the dark will be revealed, seen and unearthed. There will be grief initially but the dynamic that follows is of "regeneration". A freeing of old narratives to allow for a new story to begin. The unknown becomes known and guides the way. Have faith in the process, hold on to you to center. From the nakedness of the truth a child is born, you are reconnected to your eternal child and all it embodies - hope, joy, wander, awe, a spirited existence. 


Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco


Random Love Notes # 15


8.19.24 Full Moon in Aquarius Guidance