8.19.24 Full Moon in Aquarius Guidance
Deck: Klimt Tarot Golden Mini Pocket Edition
I am currently traveling so I am using my cute small pocket size deck inspired by Gustav Klimt artwork. We have so many major arcana cards which are heavy hitters and hold the most impact to the grand scheme of our life’s.
The Empress + Wheel of Fortune = The archetype of the empress possess fertility energy and the power of creation. We are birthing a new beginning of some sort whether it be a relationship, a child, a new project, etc. It aligns perfectly with the Wheel of Fortune, indicating the ending of a cycle that is tied to one's destiny. This combination can represent a period of creativity, abundance and growth arising from chaos and change. It reminds us that change is necessary for progress and that it is important to accept the flow of life rather than resist it. The combination of the Empress and the Wheel of Fortune encourages us to trust the path we are on and know that everything is working out as it should.
Justice + The Sun = Justice stands for fairness, balance, doing what is right not only for ourselves but the highest good of all concerned. I also believe in karmic justice, trusting in the cycles of life and the universal natural laws that govern us. It is how we learn and discern what we need to shift in order to maintain balance inwardly which has the energetic power to impact the external. But know that justice is objective so when it comes to your personal life, this card encourages one to make choices that are fair and in alignment with your values. The sun card represents a time of positive growth when we stand up for what is true. The combination of the Sun and Justice possess potent energies, offering profound insights into the pursuit of enlightenment, brining to light what we need in order to balance our heart & mind.
Page of Swords + 6 of Pentacles + 4 of Wands = Mind over matter is what comes up for me. Aligning our thoughts to what we want to manifest. Swords represent the element of air so it pertains to ideas, mental energy. Page symbolizes new ways of thinking, our curiosity leading us to seek knowledge on new topics of significance. Pernatcles have to do with earthly matters, the material. We are encouraged to take what we learn and share it with others. It's about giving and receiving which makes me think of the Justice card that is about balance. In this case, supporting reciprocity in any collaborations, or dynamics. The sharing of new innovate ideas that again will not only serve you but the collective. Wands pertains to the spiritual or in other words divine intervention through inspiration which helps us create harmony and expansion. In numerology, four symbolizes stability and firm foundations so this could suggest reaching an important milestone. Indicating that harmony, balance and a time of contentment is soon approaching.
In conclusion, we are ending a cycle and embarking on a new stage personally but collectively as well. Makes me think of this upcoming election. Praying for a new beginning for all of us away from the tyranny of the imbalanced patriarchal capitalist powers that be. It's time for change and expansion for all beings. Inside us we have fertile creativity, curiosity to cultivate new ideas, to bring fairness, regeneration. The only suit missing is cups, the element of emotions, our hearts but we just have to quiet the mind long enough to listen to its guidance. Blessings!