5.30.22 New Moon in Gemini Tarot Guidance
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.” ~Deng Ming-Dao, Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony
ACE OF PENTACLES + MIND + MOMENT TO MOMENT = An opportunity to move away from the "overthinking" mind and into the "ever present" moment. It marks a time to start something new. To spring forward along with the momentum that is swiftly picking up as the summer solstice approaches. And to do that we have to lighten our load and rid ourselves of the heavy thoughts that keep us trapped in the past. They need to be released to free us into the future possibilities but we need to be fully present in this moment. We need to reconnect to the things that bring us joy and allow us to embody playfulness, spontaneity and lightness of spirit. That will help us deepen our conviction to much needed change and that will require impenetrable faith.
KING OF CUPS + SILENCE + THE LOVERS = Mastery over the realms of emotion, creativity and the unconscious. To do so is to connect to the stillness of the present moment. Here in the now there is no worrying of the future or regretting of the past. We are still doing our shadow work, nevertheless, we have been showing up for ourselves and because of that regaining inner harmony, aligning to our core essence. Now, it is time to return to yourself. This could be a time of renewed hope and it comes as a welcome reprieve after a period of destruction and turmoil. This is a time of both physical and emotional healing; encouraging you to unify dual forces. Of conscious connections and meaningful exchanges by getting clear about your values and beliefs. The Lovers is about choice. The choice about who you want to be in this lifetime.
(ART: “Dual Natured”, 2022, Mixed Media Collage)