4.16.22 Full Moon in Libra Tarot Gudiance

I haven’t been posting as regularly but wanted to post the guidance for this last Full Moon which was on Friday, April 16th and the New Moon in Aries we had at the beginning of the month.

New Moon’s are a time to set intentions and on April 1st we had it commence in the sign of Aries. It was about TUNING IN - observing your mind without judgement. It was guiding us to go within and meditate and to pay attention to what was moving inside us. KNIGHT & QUEENS OF PENTACLES - asking us to take responsibility for our life’s by tending to old wounds. Heeding us to take care by giving ourselves the nurturing we need. NEW VISION - like the hanged man, we are given the chance to see things from a different perspective. Letting go of the old ways and creating the new from a need depth and height. Which leads us to this FULL MOON IN LIBRA which started on April 16th. Moon energy lasts for three days before and after the lunation.

Five of Coins + Innocence = Instead of a "lack mentality" try to practice "beginner's mind". Recall what it was to be childlike, to see everything for the first time with curiosity. Refrain from judging and stay open to each moment & experience. Five of Pentacles suggests a time of insecurity or uncertainty. It's easy to feel mistrust in the world but rather than focusing on what is missing, what you don't have or what is wrong, reframe your perspective to one of gratitude. Give thanks for what you do have, what is of value in your life right now and what is working out. The innocence that comes from a deep experience of life is childlike, but not childish. The innocence of a life lived fully has a quality of wisdom and acceptance of the ever-changing wonder of life. That requires us to see that everything is woven together, blessings and challenges. Your awareness can include both. 

The Sun + Seven of Cups = Challenging times are opportunities for us to learn and grow if we are willing to work with the energy and not resist it. And this too shall pass and then the sun comes out again to shine upon us. This is that time. As new doors open up for us, stay grounded in hopefulness but not lost in illusion. Approach things with discernment and know that true authentic power comes from connecting to your inner life force not from anything external. So beware of the next big thing and remember not everything that glitters is gold. Always check in with your Higher Self first. Evaluate your options and dig below the surface to discover what’s involved with each choice. This is an invitation for you to move out of the ideas/options phase and choose. Each will have its pros and cons – it’s up to you to make sure that the option you select is in alignment with your purpose and your Highest Good. The Sun is also an energetic card. It reflects a time when you can expect to experience an increase in physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You are bursting with enthusiasm, invigorated and enjoying a wonderful sense of good health.


Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco


“Memory + Healing + Sustainability” - Group Art Exhibition


Random Love Note # 6