2.20.23 New Moon in Pisces
Decks: Osho Zen Tarot & The Light Seer’s Tarot
Hey missed a few posts here but I am back!
I purchased a new deck "The Light See's Tarot" and tried them out for this spread. Beautiful artwork!
These cards all compliment each other so well. We have a heavy "wands" spread which is the element of FIRE! So expect alot more movement and the rising of many emotions and taking action in some way. Also ASTROLOGICALLY, March is going to be pretty dynamic - we have some important transits happening -Mercury & Saturn changing signs to Pisces, Jupiter conjunct Chiron & Pluto entering Aquarius! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED AND COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION!
TRAVELING (Eight of Wands) + SIX OF WANDS = After a slow reflective start to the new year, this new moon is giving us a taste of what is to come next month in March and onwards. Getting your ducks in a row, planning and our days will surely pick up some momentum. Yes have your goals but it's not only about the end result but about enjoying the journey as well. The pilgrimage itself is the sacred place. Each step on the path is important in itself. It indicates a time of movement and change. It may be a physical movement from one place to the next, or an inner movement from one way of being to another. But whatever the case, this card promises that the going will be easy and will bring a sense of adventure and growth; there is no need to struggle or plan too much.The Traveling card also reminds us to accept and embrace the new. This attitude of openness and acceptance invites new friends and experiences into our lives. Also take the time to see how far you have come. You have reached an important milestone, Celebrate it! Also keep in mind that you’re not quite at the finish line just yet. You still have some way to go, but it encourages hope and success!
SHARING (Queen of Wands) + ACE OF PENTACLES = The Queen of Wands asks you to be bold in your undertakings and actions. Don’t be afraid to own your real power and put it out into the world. Share your wealth! It's a card of abundant fertility. It suggests that you are in a situation where you have an opportunity to share your love, your joy. And in sharing, you find that you feel even more full. There is no need to go anywhere or to make any special effort. You find that you can enjoy sensuality without possessiveness or attachment, can give birth to a child or to a new project with an equal sense of creativity fulfilled. Everything around you seems to be "coming together" now. Enjoy it, ground yourself in it, and let the abundance in you and around you overflow. There is an indication of a new beginning of some sort. Pentacles are all about the material world and it's the element of earth. The time is coming to take all those ideas, projects, goals and manifest them into the world, to share them with others. No matter the occasion, the Ace of Pentacles heralds a sense of prosperity and abundance in the material or financial areas of your life. It undoubtedly comes as a welcome invitation – but it is not a free ride.