Random Love Note # 3 Jan 28 Written By SEeR ✨Break the trudge sleepWill one to swim abovethe stormy watersIn this frantic dreama light symphony revealedThrough the delirious messsprings a luscious future…”~SEeR, “Random Love Notes” Project✨ (Art: “Cosmic Ocean”, 2021, Analog collage mixed media on paper) poemavisualvisualpoetrycollageartautomaticwritingpoetryvisualartmixedmediarandomlovenotescreativewritingcreativehealingartscreativity SEeR Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco https://CelestineArtistry.com
Random Love Note # 3 Jan 28 Written By SEeR ✨Break the trudge sleepWill one to swim abovethe stormy watersIn this frantic dreama light symphony revealedThrough the delirious messsprings a luscious future…”~SEeR, “Random Love Notes” Project✨ (Art: “Cosmic Ocean”, 2021, Analog collage mixed media on paper) poemavisualvisualpoetrycollageartautomaticwritingpoetryvisualartmixedmediarandomlovenotescreativewritingcreativehealingartscreativity SEeR Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco https://CelestineArtistry.com