8.04.24 New Moon & August Guidance
The Self: The Healer
The Place: The Empty Room
The Tool(s): The Seed & The Kiss
The Initiation: Gnosis
Deck: The Wild Unknown Archetypes -Kim Krans
Easing into this new threshold that I am crossing - the great unknown and all I take with me is my heartfelt intention. We are entering into a new month as energies transition into the sign of Leo. We kick it off with a roaring New Moon on August 4th. There are some interesting transits this month so let’s get into the spread. This is a new deck so I am still getting familiar with the cards but I am really digging this deck. So she divides the cards into four sections and I have decided to pull one from each for a holistic overview. Maybe next reading I will draw them differently.
The Self: XXV The Healer / Keywords: Self-Contained, Grateful, Awake
This represents one of the various archetypes of the self since we take on many roles. Seems we are tapping into the medicine of the healer. Getting guidance to draw on some of the qualities or characteristics of this essence. Maybe it is a part of ourselves that has laid dormant but will soon awaken. I believe that we come into this world with the seed to heal ourselves but it must grow and take root in us. We must devote ourselves to remembering and reclaiming our power to restore our life force. The cycle of healing is not linear although we live in a reality that is constructed in such a way. It is a spiraling multilayered journey and it might feel like we end up where we started but it’s never the same. Just like the three headed snake in the image depicting the rebirth, renewal and transformation. Something is rising with us and the place to break open the self for deep integration is….New Moon in Leo!
The Place: XLII The Empty Room / Keywords: Spaciousness, Potential, Possibility
The existential void, encouraging “non-doing”, stillness and introspection. It’s a scary step to sit with oneself. To face the emptiness without distracting ourselves from our feelings. Discomfort is expected but it is a necessary passage we must take to arrive at the revelation of our full potential. Infinite possibilities exist in this vast space. Take this as a rest stop before the energies start picking up because the momentum will start quickening. Take this time to get organized, to plan or simply to rest before starting the next leg of your journey. There is immense power to be found within the spaciousness of this in between. *Note: This aligns perfectly with the Mercury & Chiron retrograde transits!
The Tools: LXVI The Seed & LX The Kiss / Keywords: Generative, Fertile, Building, Merging, Invitation
The seed signals a new beginning. And they comes in many forms and at different times of our lives. When this card appears there is potent energy germinating, stirring all around us but inside us as well. In the meantime as you slowly learn to trust the timing of how things unfold, try to practice patience, slowing down and not forcing things. Not one of my strengths so I get it. Hehe! We will probably be reachis ng a growing edge and it might create some internal pressure or external friction but maybe both as well. “It is from the grit that the pearl eventually comes to be.” Which leads me straight into the kiss which comes as a lovely invitation to connect to that feeling of having that first kiss - butterflies in your stomach, excitement, curiosity, passion. The kiss can take on many forms and can suggest to us to show ourselves some love and tenderness. The merging can be with another, with community or perhaps indicating an integration of the self. I myself have been working on soul retrieval through inner child and shadow work.
The Initiation: LXXV Gnosis / Keywords: Contemplation, Mystery, Inner Knowing
Gnosis is a Greek word for “knowledge” or “awareness” but it’s not a scholarly understanding we gain from facts & figures. It’s an inner knowing that comes from felt experiences. Feeling with all your senses to embody that knowledge. This card connects to the Empty Room card which signals a cycle of respite and reflection. Taking inventory of our life lessons, seeing where we have grown and reevaluating what areas we need to give some love & attention to create balance. This initation invites us to befriend & heal our shadow. It is hard to see your shadow in the dark so you have to feel your way through and bring it out into the light.