3AM Epiphany

I keep trying to search my mind for the unexplainable, to understand the whys but there are things in this life that can’t be understood with the mind.  It has to be understood with the heart! No logic can ever satisfy your soul when it comes to loss, grief and death but life as well because it goes beyond reason and the heart is equipped to sense the unseen. It knows at a deeper level, it lives on faith. It doesn’t require knowledge but trust. Trust in something that exist way outside our minds and grander than what logic could ever grasp. I suppose that is what religions and spirituality have tried to do, to connect us to this knowing, a wordless knowing. A connection to the unseen and unexplainable which lives in deep truth and requires deep surrender. I believe that is where I have arrived, where life has led me. And all I need to do is trust. -SEeR


(Photo: “Tell the Ocean Your Sorrows”, Paradise Island, Bahamas, 2018)


Multidisciplinary artist from NYC / Based in San Francisco


Tipping the Scales


12.8.22 Full Moon in Gemini Tarot Guidance