3.21.23 - Spring Equinox + New Moon in Aries Tarot Guidance
Deck: The Light Seer’s tarot
Wow, what an astrological week! We have the 3/21 Equinox & New Moon in Aries and then we have Pluto changing signs into Aquarius. "The last time planet Pluto marched through Aquarius was 1778-1798." I like looking at the images as well for interpretation. "Don't cling to wanting to control, surrender to a higher power and continue to save and plan ahead. The time has come with the new astrological year to take action towards your goals and manifest your ideas. Follow the signs, listen to your heart and intuition to know when it's time to move forward - full speed ahead."
4 of Pentacles - This pertains to our money and material reality. It's a good time to review and heal any imbalanced relationship with money and to be careful not to get stuck in "scarcity mentality" or putting too much importance on only the material. Definitely learn to manage your finances and budget but be careful not to obsess. Find a healthy balance between spending and saving, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor but also save up for the future. The broader lesson with the Four of Pentacles is to honor and respect money and wealth but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s most important to you: friends, family, happiness and love. Lastly, I would also say find space to practice gratitude for what you do have!
Queen of Cups - You are being asked to trust your intuition and pay attention to your feelings and emotions. Lead with your heart, not your head. Be open to receive the intuitive messages flowing to you, be it through your dreams, meditation or visualisation. And ‘feel the feels’, even if those feelings are tricky or challenging. You are stronger than you know. In your creative projects and endeavours, ‘feel’ your way into them, trusting your heart and your inner guidance to lead you in the right direction. Tune in and work with the cycles of the moon and nature, using these cycles to manifest your goals and live your dreams. For instance, now with the new moon in aries!
8 of Wands - Some of the struggles you have been dealing with will soon be cleared and you will have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. This is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. It encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. This is an invitation to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will.
Knight of Swords - Complimentary card to 8 of wands which again emphasises "taking action". The Knight of Swords represents your need to understand the world from an intellectual point of view so use the power of your intellect to achieve your goals and develop your communication skills. It reminds you to be assertive in getting what you want. See yourself as the creator of your future and be ready to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Just try not to act hastily and practice patience. Commit to seeing your ideas through to the end.