2.01.22 - New Moon in Aquarius - Happy Chinese New Year!
The new moon falls on Chinese New Year. 2022 is the year of the tiger!!!
NINE OF CUPS - It can be challenging to find contentment with all or any aspects of our lives now but find emotional fulfillment in the smaller simpler things these days. Everything is always in a state of change. That’s why it is so important to appreciate what you have now and cherish it. Practice gratitude for the things one does have. Start or end every day by finding one thing to be thankful for. Remember to count your blessings.This will help one stay grounded. Over time, you will intensify your sense of contentment.
INNER VOICE (THE HIGH PRIESTESS) - While The Magician is the guardian of the conscious mind and the tangible world, The High Priestess is the guardian of the subconscious mind and the teacher of sacred knowledge and hidden mysteries. And we got both cards!! The Inner Voice speaks not in words but in the language of the heart. Now is the time to be still so you can tune in to your intuition. Your higher self dives deep into the waters of your emotions and emerges again to soar towards the sky.There are times in our lives when too many voices seem to be pulling us this way and that. Our very confusion in such situations is a reminder to seek silence and centering within. Only then are we able to hear our truth. Develop a mindfulness/meditation practice.
ACE OF CUPS - An invitation to open one's heart and connect to your emotions. Allow yourself to feel deep compassion for yourself and others. This will let you be comfortable with who you are and where you find yourself. No expectations, just acceptance. This will give you time to gather your strength and continue to forge ahead. Something new can now start to blossom from the old. This is a time of giving and making the most of any opportunity to help others. Your power is in sharing your inner radiance and positive energy. We are all vessels of deep love, we just have to learn to access it within.
EXISTENCE (THE MAGICIAN) - This moment is as it should be and nothing is an accident. You are a piece of existence's puzzle. Now is the time to allow yourself to receive the extraordinary gift of feeling ″at ″home″ wherever you are. This precise moment brings you the tools, resources and energy you need to get through, to take inspired action. You are a powerful, creative being, and this is your opportunity to bring your Higher Self in alignment with your day-to-day actions to create the future you wish you but you will need to have focused attention and intense concentration to establish a clear vision of what you desire to bring into fruition.